In own matter

Welcome to the Labyrinth

The theme of this blog is the labyrinth in almost all aspects. It has been around since 2008. Since 2012 Andreas Frei from Switzerland is part of it. About once a month a new post should appear.


In a blog, the individual articles (posts) are arranged chronologically: the oldest at the back, the newest at the front. The structure is thus different from a website, where everything is always in the same place.

If you’re looking for something specific about labyrinths or just want to know what’s actually on the blog, you might like to have some sort of table of contents.

This now exists and can be found as the Contents tab in the menu under the cover image next to the About us tab.

For a better view

For a better view


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The corresponding widget: SUBSCRIBE TO BLOGMYMAZE  can be found in the sidebar between IN SEARCH OF … and BLOGROLL.
All you have to do is enter your e-mail address and you will receive a message every time a new article appears on the blog.


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Rights of use

Most images and graphics are created by Andreas Frei and me (Erwin Reißmann), unless otherwise noted, and are provided under the license CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.

5 thoughts on “In own matter

  1. The image for your message here is perfect. Every time I step beneath the lintel of your blog, I learn something. Your explorations and your generous sharing have enriched my knowledge and understanding of my own explorations with the labyrinth. It is always a joy to visit here Erwin! Thank you!


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